This documentary was all about billionaires can go after news organizations for no reason, completely biased for journalist. In the Hulk Hogan aka Terry Bollea part of the movie was privacy and Gawker broke the law, it was never a freedom of the press issue. Terry Bollea talked about his character Hulk Hogan, as a character on tv for years, wrestlers are known by their wrestling persona then their real names, When he Hulk Hogan aka Terry Bollea is not known to the world as Terry Bollea, he is known as Hulk Hogan, when people ask how you doing Hulk, nobody says hey Terry, because Hulk Hogan is cool while Terry Bollea isn't. Hulk Hogan was wronged in this matter, SOME PEOPLE DON'T KNOW WRESTLING IS FAKE, ITS SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT.