Absolute perfection.
The simplest way to describe this movie, with every cinematic shot you can see the dedication, the time, and the passion out into this masterpiece, matt reeves sets out to deliver a grounded realistic Batman that was broken down and shaken to his core, and boy does he get the message through. Although I throughly enjoyed this movie I can comfortably say that it is not for everyone, if you are going into this film expecting a superhero movie then this film is not for you. This movie is takes a completely different spin on the idea of Batman and the symbolism he portrays, despite all this Matt reeves has actually conveyed the most accurate depiction of Batman in any movie. The film shakes him to his core by tracing Batman to his roots, what he is originally, a detective. Hence why dc stands for “Detective comics”
Pattinson is outstanding as the Batman, you can see why he was cast from the minute he steps onto the screen in the bat suit, fear is a tool and when that light hits the sky, it’s not just a call, it’s a warning. The movie really dwells deep into the criminals perspective of the Batman, and how he is seen as this unstoppable force of justice. Either way, if you generally like Batman as a character then you will probably love this movie, still doesn’t top the dark knight though.