In the 1990s when I was dating,I came across a lady who lived very sparsely.When she invited me to her home for a cup of tea she had only one cup,one saucer,one teaspoon to which I suggested she lived like a nun!She immediately broke down telling that until the year before she WAS a nun but at the age of 35 she found herself dying for sex with a real man,not devoting herself to a hollow diety of giving herself to Jesus.She said when she told the mother superior about her desire to leave the church the convent initially placed many hurdles before her.Finally the church permitted her to leave on condition she move interstate and since then she could only find solace in her life by having sex with ANY man she could.I did not proceed with her,I felt very sorry that an institution like the Catholic Church could deny so many of their female believers the right all humans deserve,to find happiness in the arms of whichever gender they could.As yea shall sow,so shall yea reap!