Overall, a bitterly disappointing take on a H.G Wells classic. Upon hearing the overwhelming praise this movie has received from other viewers, I placed high expectations on the film to deliver on the grounds of being a modern Sci-fi thriller. However, what I was instead greeted with was the same old predictability and cliches of most other films in this genre, amalgamated with poor quality CGI and questionable acting. Ultimately, this film was not What I was expecting.
- Camera work/cinematogrsphy is flawless
- Scenery greatly aids the directors storytelling
- Riddled with cliches: really harm the originality of the techniques the creators have utilised to produce scares and suspense in their audience
- Frequent moments of predictably coupled with cheap scares ruin the suspense the movie spends so much effort to build
- Moments when fighting with the invisible man feel poorly choreographed. Lead actress looks as though she's scratching the air, as opposed to being attacked by a raging entity
Moments of brilliance with the screenplay and scenery are ultimately quashed by poor directorial decisions, indicative of a low budget ($7 million), and a careless attitude to quickly concluding scenes for the sake of convenience.