My husband I watch this show some but you had one show that ask to make a strawberry shortcake with whipping cream That was Awful you told them to get Biscuit dough they all went and got it out of the can all they had to do was get Bisquick make the dough it’s easy it make a Biscuit do this all the time and I cut up the strawberries put a little sugar on them I sliced a biscuit and two in their big biscuits when you make them you drop them on the cookie sheet you put Strawberries between the bottom in the top of the biscuit then put some more strawberries on top in the some in bowl whipping cream whip on top If you don’t want to use the whipping cream use half-and-half and you said make a meal just grill a small Steak or chicken And make a little small Salad and put some. Pecans on the salad with a little strawberry sauce