For a battlefield game it’s just not very good. I can have a decent time playing this game, but compared to the past battlefield games it’s just awful. It’s almost like they threw away everything that made battlefield battlefield, and just took pieces of other games. Instead of having classes with assigned weapons and perks, they now have specialists who are cheesy and hardly customizable. The leaderboard displaying end of game stats have now been removed for some unknown reason. Assassinations have now gone third person instead of first person which I much more enjoyed. On top of it all the gun play is awful on my Xbox one, and maps are so open you spend half of the game getting ran over by vehicles. Honestly such a disappointment to the franchise. It’s really disappointing to see all of these franchises such as Battlefield, COD, and Madden all make such great games to build a fan base and then once they have a strong community and weed out competition just start to put in the least effort and make considerably worse games each release. Disappointing game for sure.