It was fun to watch and had a lot of nice references that I as a long time fan really enjoyed. But, that doesn’t excuse it from the very apparent plot holes like where the hell Palpatine came from and when did he have kids? Another thing is that it doesn’t feel like a sequel to the Last Jedi (which I honestly understand) but it instead feels like a sequel to J. J. Abrams’s version of the Last Jedi that he never got to create. I also felt the entire time that Rey was a little too powerful for someone with so little force training and yes, I know Palpatine was very strong with the force but he still had years upon years of training so I doubt he was as powerful when he was Rey’s age. Oh, I also forgot to mention, Palpatine said himself in the movie that he had absorbed the powers of all the dead sith who had come before him which would explain why he was so powerful but that would also mean that he had those extra powers the whole time which means that he would have been much less powerful without them and I don’t believe that Rey inherited those powers from him. All in all, I thought this movie had potential and I think it would have been so much better if either J.J. Abrams got to do the last Jedi or if he got another movie to fix the huge issues that that movie caused. I would also like to point out that he did do a good job fixing most of the problems but he just didn’t show how he fixed them which once again, would have been better if he had another movie. Well I hope you find my review helpful even though it might be a little hard to understand and I may even be wrong but overall, I do believe that those are some of the issues with the movie and of course I do have a few more I’ll just wrap this up here. Overall it was an okay movie, just not a good sequel and I still don’t feel like this saga which is a huge part of me really got the ending that it deserved and needed.