I will listen to Antonio Banderas and Gary Oldman wax on eternally because their dulcet voices are simply entrancing. Soderbergh’s directorial style shines with pan shots, planned sequences, and needlessly flashy costume design at points, which are simply delightful. So the veneer is pleasing.... but...
Meryl Streep plays a tragic Cathy cartoon, the plot is convoluted, and the message is “fine” but it originates from the LAST people I want to hear it from. Soderbergh’s admission that he himself utilizes shell corporations doesn’t make this story candid, it makes it distasteful.
The viewer is left with two options: shell corporations are a consequence of poor tax governance; therefore, using them is legitimate and if you don’t like it, go screw... OR.... Campaign finance reform means, um, what? When did we start talking about campaign finance? Lady Liberty is NOT your deus ex machina, and I want to see Democrats motivated more than anyone... this isn’t gonna do it.