I like the newshour and would like to see more investigation into where the support money is going for individuals, families & small businesses. I just heard disparing news about small business support funds going almost exclusively to hedge fund operators who qualify as 'small businesses'! Also disparing was Treasury Secretary Stephen Minuchin's comment that this $1200 for individuals should be sufficient to last 10 (ten) weeks? !!! Then I heard that Direct Deposits of the 1200 disbursement were being levied by the banks if their customer's owed them money, so customers aren't even seeing this money? This is during a time when banks are getting to borrow money at 0% interest! Last report I heard for small businesses to fill out applications to get this money appropriated by congress - these businesses were still waiting to hear back as the banks stated they were waiting for instructions for how this program was supposed to work. There was word that businesses were receiving tax credits that will cost the tax payers around another 90 billion dollars over time? Why are large corporations getting such tax breaks? This is supposedly in the fine print of the stimulus bill from congress? What happened to the oversight we were promised? I also heard Pres. Trump fired the man who was in charge of the oversight of this. I wish PBS would look into these things and clarify fact from fiction, but I fear fact will be the word of the day. How much does this administration think people will tolerate? Thank you for your working to clarify news reports.