Man, I wish I had some way of getting to Spicer with this...
Just jotted this down while I ate my salad….
My How things have changed.
During the Viet Nam war, the main stream media was heavily influenced by government information management in the early years of the conflict, the U.S. media eventually began to change its main source of information. In 1965, Journalists focused more on research, interviews and analytical essays to obtain information rather than press conferences, official news releases and reports of official proceedings. The media swayed public opinion to be anti-government leading to nationwide civil unrest. The media accused the government of atrocities and provided proof of such travesties as the My Lai Massacre. The government lied, the military was bad, and the war was murder. It cost lives.
Today, the mainstream media is once again heavily influenced by government information management focused on the “narrative” provided by press conferences, official news releases and reports of official proceedings. Once again, the media has swayed public opinion, but this time to be pro-government by ignoring travesties and fatal decisions made the last few months in Afghanistan. Main Stream Media outlets and Journalists focus their research, interviews and analytical essays to create information that portrays the government as supportive, compassionate, and decisive. The retreat from Afghanistan as directed by the government was good, morale, and was done in the best interest of the Afghan people. It saved lives.
Thank God for unbiased media like Sean....