1. Neither Dr. Judy Mikovits, or the film maker provide any evidence to support the claims they make in this film, they simply say this is so.
Dr. Mikovits is a scientist, but science requires evidence and she provides none. That's a problem.
2. I've read over 25 articles about Dr. Mikovits, and the film, all of them fact check the claims made in the film and find no evidence that the claims are true.
Of the handful of websites I found that were supportive of the film, none of them provided any evidence to support her claims, they just agree with her and say - "this is a great film", "a must see", etc.
In contrast, the critical articles were heavily footnoted and supported by scientific evidence.
3. Also, of the websites that were supportive many were ultra-rightwing websites that were full of hate, fear, anti-semetic, racist bile of the worst kind, Not the best company to keep if you want to be taken seriously by the ordinary citizen, and all in all very alarming. Again, nothing on any of these sites provided any evidence to support the claims made in the film. That means something.
4. Here is one example of a falsehood. In the film we are led to believe that the arrest of the doctor took place at night and involved a fully armed SWAT team. That is not the case. In the legal complaint she herself filed she stated that she was charged, then arrested at 1 p.m. in the afternoon by the local sheriff.
This is a dangerous film, but not because it is true, it's dangerous because it is foolish, and medically misleading.