I love this new version of Mulan! Yes it is very different from the animated classic, it doesn't have mushu, the music numbers etc etc. I was one of the complainers when I first heard of the changes, but I can see now why they made those changes. This new, more mature and realistic version stays closer to the original ballad. It is darker, grittier and more emotional. I teared up several times during the movie. And the visuals, costumes, colors and cinematography is breathtaking. And so much action. This is really worth a watch. I will always love the animated version as I grew up with it but appreciate that Disney has this more mature version for me to appreciate now that I am an adult, and it has a beautiful message that resonnates with the struggles that we go thru as an adult. (On a side note, I see a lot of low reviews were given due to political reasons and not based on the merit of the film. This is really unfair to the film and to the talent and hardwork from the many ppl who put the film together. I hope people will give it a chance for what it is.)