too old to work.,easy fixed.make education free again,for college & uni..make the schools recognise talent,not just do the lessons then go home,as its just a job,stop all these refugee imports,we dont need them,theres not enough jobs for born ausies,let alone so called refugee,s.the country can only support so many people.all our industry has gone over seas,we are just one big retirement country now.,the government is a joke.they send billions to over seas aid,?? what about the starving homeless unemployed ausies.oh,i forgot,WE DONT MATTER,WERE EXPENDABLE.this country IS,a giant joke,we signed a paper at the u.n.,BIG, come all the real people in this country know,what the gov should do,but the ones in gov,just up there retirement fund off our misery.we are ,the richest country on earth,but we sell it all over seas,for nothing,we pay 90c for lpg,but its shiped to japan teiwan,ect,for 10c,.??.something wrong there i think.,all our minerals,bhp,goes over seas,coal,uranium,boxite.nah,,this country is totaly fkd.period.&,no one cares.why do those sudanese get new cars,free homes,furnished,$1000 a wk,at least,.yet we get $265.J O K E .!!!.