The show is poorly written. The direction is no better.
The show's writing falls prey to the very common mistake, which is 'telling rather than showing'. The amount of exposition that is verbally provided is frankly ridiculous. Even the freaking Zombies' entire history, motives and plan are revealed to the main characters through a zombie TELLING THEM what they plan to do. There is no intricacy in the way the script is written and spoon-feeds the audience with every bit of information.
At no point does the viewer feel a sense of uncertainty or fear (an emotion that should generally be evoked by a horror genre show). The characters are one dimensional, the character conflicts and relations with one another are one dimensional, and overall the writing falls flat.
Lmao and lets not even mention the weird and downright WHACK plot choices.
In terms of the direction, there are a few moments where strong imagery shines through, but they are all few and far between. The camera movement and shot compositions are general and bring nothing artistically new or unique to the table. The direction could have made up for the lack of horror or 'scare elements' in the scripts, but that does not happen.
As a horror fan, this was a disappointment as this horror genre show fails to do the most basic thing, evoke a sense of fear amongst the viewers.