Absolutely awful. This movie is a straight up punishment to watch. Bruce Wayne looks like a strung out heroin addict and as Batman isn’t the least bit believable. You’d have to be beyond obsessed with the Batman franchise as a whole to give this movie a positive review. I understand, this film’s intent was to show more of the detective beginnings of Batman’s legacy, I do, but people reviewing saying that it had “good detective stuff” in it must be children or again, the type of adult who comes here to San Diego every year to go to Comic Con dressed as some iteration of Batman. How or why they managed to stretch this turd out into 3 hours is a bigger mystery to me than the entire reason for making this. “The Riddler” is a dressed down, less intimidating figure than the Hamburglar character from McDonald’s. Somebody needs to tell Hollywood there does not absolutely have to be a new Batman movie every 5-10 years. BLAH. 😒