The games not horrible. It’s just not great. I’m incredibly biased towards the 64 version because I played it growing up along with and Mario galaxy 1 and 2 before even attempting this game, and to be completely honest I would’ve liked it more had I not played any other Mario game before I played this one. It’s really just SO different than the other ones. The long jump and backflip being taken away didn’t work out for me very well at all because those are the moves I used the most, but in spite of that I adapted but still could enjoy how unforgiving the game was. It felt like I’d get an hour deep and make one mistake and be back where I started. In some cases I felt like the challenge of the game was to not beat your TV or something because of how tediously the levels become. The whole game just had an odd vibe to it with the music not being the best and gave me a headache for some reason. This game was made to be played through time after time after time and that’s not a bad thing it’s just really hard on your first play through. If you’re new to 3D Mario. Play. This. One. FIRST. It’s so different and odd that it’ll mess you up to play any other games before it. I wouldn’t recommend this game really. It’s story is awfully anti climatic. I don’t wanna spoil it but be aware it’s very disappointing. The game felt like a big joke and nothing actually crazy happened. Shadow Mario was an awful villain. I mean AWFUL. Anytime he shows up it’s easy to beat him. I mean 45 seconds easy. He doesn’t feel like a villain but more like an annoyance you deal with and defeating him is never satisfying. For such an unforgiving game it should at least have a serious ending instead of the joke we got. The ending feels like a spit in the face. You work hard. For hours. For nothing but a silly boss fight. Not challenging. Not inspiring. Not tense. Just awfully disappointing. F.L.U.D.D. Did nothing for me. It wasn’t cool. It wasn’t spectacular. It was just meh. If it wasn’t in the game it would’ve been the same because of how much you didn’t really need it. It’s just nice to have basically. If it wasn’t there I’d die more but I die all the time anyways. It had lots of potential that it didn’t use. It felt annoying to have it when I could’ve had something cooler