absolutely loved it! I think marvel just keeps getting better like every movie and like the recent ones are amazing like shang chi too. I can’t wait for spider-man. And Harry was in the post credit scene. I knew there were rumours of him being in eternals 2 i didn’t know it was confirmed though. Also coincidentally i wore my harry shirt. I was seriously not thinking about harry being in it or rumoured. Anyway it was amazing and such like a chill watch and funny. I don’t know how they are gonna like put hem all together this time spider-man, eternals, dr. strange, shang chi. Like shang chi and dr strange i get post credit scene. But with eternals that’s idk how. Oh and aren’t the guardians still around, i loved them. i get how they‘d mix guardians and eternals. WAIT nm now i see it spider man and strange, strange and shang chi and like on and on. Would loki be involved cause he is a series so idk. Anyway i am really excited and i am disappointed how low it is rated. Is it cause of homophobia? where i live u have to be 18 because of a kiss scene. Anyway I hope there will be more good reviews cause it was amazing. That is also why i gave a review i only do that when i watch something good and am scared it will be cancelled because so many good shows are cancelled which sucks. ( not that i think marvel would cancel ppl will always watch it whether they like it or not it’s marvel, i justthought it wasn’t deserving of its 3 sar it deserved so much better) U know teenage bounty hunters that’s good netflix cancelled many. It had bi represention and they took it from us. Anyway I should sleep but pls don’t miss out in eternals cause of bad reviews and also if u like it leave a positive review and bring the average up. Everyone in my cinema seemed to enjoy it and they all waited both post credit scenes made me happy. And also marvel is becoming so much better seriously like not any more just straight white man, like obviously there are still but that’s not the only representation anymore ( which is probably also why there are so low reviews) and harry is there. That’s not about representation but still amazing. Like idc if ppl are like i don’t want harry i saw a bad review saying i don’t want harry. I am sure he will do an amazing job even post credit scene was great. Someone gasped in my cinema.