The first game was about a broken man who lost everything trying to survive the apocalypse and the decay of humanity where they hunt and kill each other, they are cannibals and everyone are doing awful things to survive. This broken man was given a second chance to be like a father figure to Ellie and in the end, he makes a choice that you could argue whether it was the right decision or not, but you can relate to him because we witness their journey, they have a strong and unique bond and that is what makes the first game so memorable and enjoyable. This is not what The Last of Us was all about, you want to expand your universe, fine you can do that, but don't do it erasing what makes the first one so great, you kill Joel in the FIRST hour of the game and you switch back and forth with Ellie and Abby to connect all the dots in the story which is poorly executed and everything suffers as a result, Abby kills Joel, Jesse, shoots Tommy. Levi also injures Dina and Tommy with arrows but in the end, Ellie let both Abby and Lev go... Why? After Ellie kills all their friends why stop with her? And not only does Ellie allow Abby and Lev to escape but also she ended up being alone, Dina left her and Ellie lost two fingers, so what's the point of this story? I'm sorry for the fans who avoided the spoilers and are going blind with this game tomorrow, I hope they find something to enjoy but as for me, this series is dead.