It’s a game.
The campaign was rather fun, but the end is lack luster as you’re left with an entire area you cannot go to after completing the story; future DLC or not, that’s very annoying and leaves little to do other than hunt for Easter eggs post-credits if you collected everything before finishing this fight.
The fact that you can play Halo Infinite multiplayer without paying for an additional subscription service is FANTASTIC! What sucks is that you have to PAY for new armor or unlock the limited sets they have through finishing so few challenges… and it’s not very customizable. I would GLADLY whale for this game had customization been very personal; but I won’t spend a penny more than the 1$ I spent on a month of game pass for the campaign on it.
Next to the lie 343 Studios claimed back after Halo 5’s backlash of being back split screen co-op, only to get ZERO campaign co-op, this is just another disappointment from the studio for me… but yes, at least I don’t need Xbox live gold to play with friends.
So my disappointments of the franchise would make it a 2 star review… but that free-to-play without a subscription is the Third star gainer.