So here is the most honest and true review I can give for everyone. I wanted to give 3.5/5.
Nearly all modern games have amazing gameplay and graphics, but all lack that nostalgic and immersive feel that makes players feel connected to the game. However.. I have to confess that as far as the campaign is concerned, its the best one since the original call of duty back in the early days. The story is great and its the only game where I haven't skipped the cut scenes for many years. So campaign is a huge winner in every way.
Multilayer on the other hand, not so good. It could be, but the power balance is terrible and just isn't nice to play. Zombies is average and boring.
Multilayer isn't all bad and definitely better than it's other contenders (apart from halo). I would recommend waiting until its half price as no way is it worth £70 for series x version, that's just greedy. But when it's around the 30 quid mark it's absolutely worth it for the campaign.