The foundation of it is to keep the true children of GOD hidden and asleep. And a teacher of lies. Teaching that GOD changes. (Malachi 3 verse 6 / Revelation 21 verse 12) For GOD so loved the world, of Israel. (Isaiah 45 verse 17) GOD still only loves one nation of people. (Amos 3 verses 1-2) And they are identified as going into slavery on ships and oppressed by all other nations. (Psalms 83 verses 2-8 / Deuteronomy 28 verse 65-68 / Revelation 13 verses 9-10) These nations that oppress GODS people are called beast. (Revelation 13 verses 11-18) The wicked shall not change nor understand. (Daniel 12 verses 8-13 / *Revelation 22 verse 11*)