Words to describe Outer Wilds: magical, enchanting, profound, transcendent. It is such a special, special game and I’ll go ahead and say it’s the greatest gaming experience I’ve ever had. It’s not just the time while playing it, which is amazing; it’s the emotional impact that has stuck with me long after completing it. No other game has made me feel that way. It will not only scare you to the core on an instinctual level, it might just give you an existential crisis. And at the same time, it’s so exciting and monumentally touching and heartfelt in some strange way that it brings me almost to the verge of tears whenever I think about the characters, the story, the music. And that ending! omg! What’s crazy is that despite the high level concepts it tackles (beautifully btw) meant more for adults, it can still be played by kids interested in space exploration and adventure. I would love for my child to play it one day. There’s simply nothing like it. A special, once in a generation-caliber game. A masterpiece.