Zombies- ill admit zombies is probably the only real positive of this review, they've featured a larger radius and different zombies however it's very similar to MW2 DMZ switching out the npc mercs for more mercenaries and zombies instead.
Multiplayer- whilst all of the old modes are there in multiplayer thr skill based matchmaking is unrealistic especially for more casual players. More and more players are spawn killing and its becoming a sweat fest even on game modes like domination and hard point, people going for kills and not the objective. Ultimately something could be done about this and MP could be kept as casual and keep the SBMM for more Hard-core and ranked matches.
Price, ultimately wasn't worth it for me its like a 60 pound dlc, with reused maps, a zombies that is basically DMZ. Id expect new content rather than regurgitating the old and charging for it again.
The campaign is mixed, I understand MC deaths for plot progression but ultimately this didn't serve anything, I feel it was half baked and quite rushed in comparison to the past few campaigns. Hopefully something can be done about this game to breathe some life and enjoyment back into it but until then I'll be going back to MW2