This was an intriguing take on a classic beloved tale, with a deeper meaning that revealed the true villain of the movie: Christopher Robin. After Christopher selfishly left the crew that he grew up with, they vowed to never speak again - he had left them, the only source of happiness and tranquility gone without hesitation. When Christopher returns five years later, it's clear that he went no contact as he came back expectant that the crew would still be there, and is shocked to find out how things turned out. When his fiancee was murdered right in front of him, he did not try to fight, he simply backed up and just "begged" for him to let her go. The only way he was saved at the end was when the girls saved him (he couldn't save himself), and when the last remaining girl was with him right before escaping when Pooh got ahold of her, he simply shouted "No!" and ran off. The whole movie ties together when Pooh finally speaks, breaking his vow of never speaking again to simply say "You left." - he left before, he left now, and he will always leave again.