The big boss should announce NiKi or Aarbas is winner as for trp, management is ignoring thier tantrum and they breaking rules left right center. For all games big boss not breaking the niki Aarbas team. The big boss supporting unnecessary this team for just try. The big boss can have 4 teams and each one in each team then the trp will be more. In name of game, thier team braking rules left right and center. But big boss is ignoring and unnecessary blaming each B team members. Do big boss wants to create unnecessary issues raised by team A member 🤔 for trp? Does big boss management feels that by shouting, using physical force , raising voice without any point is the right approach to stay in game. If niki not listening to captin and doesn't listening to any other is right? Does this attitude of niki and team is right and management is ignoring for what?