Spoilers!!!! I am shocked at all the 5 star reviews. Mind you I love these books and adore the Strike/Robin relationship but honestly I spent most of my time reading feeling angry at the absolutely terrible things that Robin put herself through (terrific understatement) and deeply frustrated at the lack of satisfying character interaction. More Barkley and Shankar please. Also couldn’t Strike perhaps (in his interior dialogue at least) express how much he missed Robin after 4 months! And his treatment of women is disgusting. Even if the women themselves are not above reproach to say the least. Very conflicted at his last release of any responsibility for Charlotte. Also, the mystery is R I D I C U L O U S (as usual - I mean Lula’s brother is the killer and actually hires Strike!!). How on f’n earth could Strike figure the whole pigs ate her thing? Far fetched? Indubitably. However, the Harry Potter adjacent plot points were fun to read and think about. So many! Kind of love that! Also. Despite all of this and 800 plus pages of absolute frustration, disgust and disappointment. All is forgiven with the epilogue that wiped all of those bad feelings away and had me screaming with happiness and joy. Can’t wait for the next one!