What a bunch of whiny complaining a-holes most of these reviewers are. This movie was a lot of fun and rightfully course corrects Rian Johnson's abomination of a movie. I'm not sure why so many reviewers claimed the first act was slow. It was anything but. As for the movie overall, sure, not everything received an answer...yet, but what was answered was satisfying and there were some genuine surprises. Rey's lineage made perfect sense. Everything from her innate force abilities, to her saber fighting style, to the fact she went right for the darkness on Ach-To pointed to her being a Palpatine all along. The mirror image of Rey and Kylo was fantastic. He was the dark grandchild of a (eventual) light side user (Anakin). She was the light grandchild of a dark side user. Lucas said himself, these things are supposed to "rhyme" thematically. That's why JJ's movies (7 & 9) were far better than 8. 7 rhymed with 4 and 1. 9 rhymed with 6 and 3. 8 remains this outlier that failed to mesh with the rhyming 5 and 2.