The game overall was a little disappointing. I loved the gameplay the graphics and the overall atmosphere of the game. But the story on the other hand was disappointing. They killed joel in the most disrespectful way. He played as him I'm part 1 so the players have and emotional attachment to joel only to wait 7 years for him to get taken out by a golf club???? They made Joel so dumb in part 2, part 1 he smelt that ambush by the hunters even before they could react and then they make him have his guard down in part 2 No I'm not having that. The 3ending was even more disappointing I'm pretty sure everyone wanted abby to die but in the end we get a pretty bad fist fight only for ellie to finally get the chance to kill her just to let her go. This game was never about revenge it was about forgiveness in the end I don't agree with all the choices naughty dog did. This game will be remembered for how badly a main character is disrespected after all this time thr players waited. I get why abby killed joel I'm pretty sure anybody would do what she did. But she didnt need to kill joel that way so brutal. Joel didnt brutally kill her father so why did she have to torture joel??? That I will never understand. If they somehow come up with a part 3 I hope they can do better because I love the last of us.