Very non adventure feeling movie...that was the whole fun of the original was his journey,...this film was just thrown together without any interconnecting was bam, he was here then bam turn around he was at the next part...bam, at the witches, bam at the river backstory no traveling time......very lame, just back to back to back to back, hitting the mythological creatures for under 3 minutes then on to the next....calabos was lame,...he spent like 10 seconds at the witches lair.......just a very forced, quirky , not believable cast,.....lame all
around....original still takes the cake
The Medusa part was decent.....but overall the movie constantly feels rushed,...and the leading actor was a very poor choice.
Something wrong with the people giving this movie rave reviews,...but that's the world we live in now isn't it....mediocrity is king!