Overall great game safer seas is brilliant less chance of you being bullied by other players it's great that they have the option to report or block but maybe make an option for a private group in high seas or make your ship invisible to other players so we players who don't really want conflict but still want the full experience can play it without being stalked or bullied or have our treasure that we worked hard to get i.e gold hoarders quests be stolen by other players I get there's safer seas but you don't get the full experience or the same amount of gold for certain things I.e the orbs from skeletons camps in high seas you can get 20.000 for it in safer seas it is infinitely less it being 6.000 that is a huge drop atleast change the amount of gold you get and maybe put in main quests you can do in high seas in safer seas like the battle of sea of thieves I'd love to have the phantom curse but can't due to the bullies on high seas don't get me wrong not all players are bullies some let you pass and are friendly but those that aren't need to be banned especially those that join again using the same name that you have reported and blocked just to purposely get you back in such s vicious way honestly i dont see the need to keep killing someone even after they have looted all of your treasure I had to quit high seas as i kept being harpooned to their ship and being instantly killed I couldn't even fight back or defend my self same with my friends who also quit due to idiot players who ruin it for those who want to do the proper quests or want to enjoy it with freinds.
10/10 graphically
10/10 story
Work on making high seas more playable for those who don't want conflict but want to gain more than what they do in safer seas Microsoft say they go of a code of conduct from what me and my friends witnessed in high seas clearly some players don't listen and think they can do what they like including bullying