In first this show was awesome... I loved this show but recent episode very bad... No concept of anything... I don't know why that police shoot murtazim... In one shoot he died this possible... In this case if any hero got shooted he can't die right.. This guys just unbelievable... And recent yesterday episode aasma said that i can't tell because he will hurt... Of course he will that's y she should tell the zaid fearness after that he will be careful about that he will never pick the gun after but no she just want to hate more right..... Nothing is perfect anything u guys create yaar.... And everyone knows that aliya is very very very evil thn y that arman mom believe her... I just hated this yaar.... Omg whn everyone knows the evilness of aaliya... Omg this girl... 😡 how can be this girl so so bad.. Omg save Aasma from this saitan girl ...