Season 1 & 2 would get almost 5 of 5. There are some early episodes where the whole episode of 40 mins have only 2 main events linked to the story, while rest was all a time pass to drag the episode, but soon it intensified and was very very interesting like how it began. Excellent and satisfactory ending with lots of suspense and un expected turn off events.
Season 3 & 4: Did not quite love up to the standards of Season 3& 4. Overall good but the negatives I noticed is : it wasn't thoughtful like the first story in which Professors planning and his skills were really top notch, while the season 3 & 4 was more to do with over aggression, shooting etc .. and un tolerable silly & stupid fights among gang members which looked as if the director badly wanted to somehow introduce an inner conflict amongst kidnappers. Later part was excellent