I saw this movie as a preview in Hawaii with my husband. We laughed, our eyes got misty. You see we have six children, 4 girls and 2 boys. A couple were sneaky. The rest were so busy with sports, cheer, school activities, boyfriends and girlfriends.
I was in a rock 'n roll band and we were self-employed in general contracting.
Our boys are handsome and our girls are gorgeous! My husband worried all the time about the "multitude" who just kept falling in love with them and what they would do to try to get their attention. (My children didn't notice so much because they were so busy with all their activities. They were kind to everyone The children also talked to me about where they were at.)
I have several copies of this movie. It covers serious topics that open dialogues. Watch it first if your children are on the younger side. Have a "what do you think conversation after the viewing. You will not regret it.