So many people nail it on the head here in the comment section that i will just highlight the main reason this series is turning me off and boring.
Setting up the plot, understanding what is going on , the history , the relationships, that is all fine.
Anytime i see Godzilla or a hint of him where they are focused on what should be the storyline, great .
What i cant stand and they do this in almost all these current generation of movies is the emotional kid drama, bickering etc etc . The kiddie bickering, the virtue signaling, the drama, the bickering, did i say bickering? They focus more on the drama with each other than the storyline which is about godzilla. Heck, when i see them go back to the past i get a little more excited because the past characters are actually focusing on godzilla, and we see godzilla and any relationship situation was , well , realistic in making a decision what is best for them or monarch. That was it.
To many check boxes nowadays. Got all the diversity check boxes. They got the virtue signaling check boxes. The over played drama between the kiddies , which must admit is perfect for this emotional generation but not good for the movies and ratings. It took them to the 7th episode to release godzilla (excluding opening scenes of episode 1) The only time we saw godzilla was when they revert to the past and the one monster that came out of the ice and that was short played LOL.
I must say, they are also hyping up Godzilla minus one and well, i saw it. WAY TO MUCH DRAMA and Stories of the characters going on to long, rather than focusing on the true plot at hand. Old Godzilla movies were not like this. Almost 3/4 of the way through and the most exciting part was godzilla chasing the boat, which we saw in the trailer, by i digress.
At least this series is getting a true rating and not some hyped up rating by the critics because if they don't , they wont get the next early movie viewing access to future movies LOL. I don't see this series going to far unless they cut out the immature youth drama considering they are dealing with friggin godzilla and the fate of the world relies on it. Finding the father was what, a personal adventure because he is still alive and not figuring out its all much bigger than them and how the dad is tied to godzilla and shut the heck up and focus on what is at stake.
Rant over..