Title: Disappointing Experience with All My Sons Moving Company
Rating: ⭐
My experience with All My Sons Moving Company was nothing short of a nightmare. Initially, I was promised a veteran discount, only to be told later that they don't offer such discounts. The confusion didn't end there; I was coerced into giving a deposit, only to be met with continuous pressure to add more workers, inflating the cost to outrageous amounts.
Although the crew was friendly, they lacked essential materials for the job, resulting in delays and, to my dismay, hidden fees were suddenly revealed, further hiking up the price. When I decided to cancel the order, the customer service reached new lows. Both Aaliyah and Austin were incredibly rude and unprofessional, refusing to refund my deposit.
Overall, a disappointing experience marked by false promises, hidden fees, and abysmal customer service. Avoid this company at all costs.