Well....what a major disappointment. I was skeptical from the outset when I first saw this advertised. But being such a huge fan of the trilogy (as in I've watched these films back to back at least 30 times), I thought that ANY new matrix, is a good thing.....well how wrong I was. Put aside the awful plot that is riddled with holes and dead ends, the characters had zero depth, full of cheesy one liners and unnecessary commentary. They even managed to turn agent Smith (arguably one of the most sinister villains in film ever), into a joke. A jumped up American kid, with the voice of a child with the flu, and the presence of a small French poodle inside a fake gucci handbag....
Even the fighting scenes looked less developed than the films 20 years ago?! How is that even possible? I watched a handful of people get up and leave half way through...I managed to stick it out to the end, rolling my eyes around 4 times, joining the groans of discontent from my fellow matrix fans, this really is a huge let down, which all producers and actors involved should feel deeply unhappy about....