Best movie I have ever seen! The flight scenes were filmed so perfectly it could just about being a tear to my eye. The story line was set up almost the same way as the original. I like it being set up that way because it allows people who have never seen the original Top Gun to see Top Gun Maverick and be perfectly fine and not feel like they missed too much information. But, if you watch the original before seeing this one, you get twice as much from it. You understand more references, you get a better understanding of characters, and more emotion comes along with this film if you have seen the original. Tom Cruise fills his role as Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchell perfectly once again. I have always been a fan of Miles Teller and his films, and I can say that I firmly believe this is his best role yet portraying the character Lieutenant Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. I was also truly convinced he could be the son of the great Goose. I personally loved every part of this film and I hope it can win some awards in the next upcoming Oscars awards… preferably best picture.