He’s a bit of a British sadist. Watching his show in the throws of the first year of this pandemic was an exercise in masochism. He isn’t actually funny himself. The show is awful without a team of funny writers for him to take the credit for.
That said, if you OVERLOOK the fact that his own jokes are only funny to himself, the reporting goes to places that need attention.
I’m physically handicapped and suffer MULTIPLE extreme chronic pains and illness , I’m only able to endure some of the show.
I wish he’d show a little more compassion, AND SHINE THE LIGHT ON AMERICA’S MOST IGNORED PEOPLE - THE HANDICAPPED!! But if he continues to to lack compassion, and also continues to punish the audience while doing so, he will cause more suffering to the people who already suffer the most.
Unfortunately, he’s the only reporter willing to shine the light on America’s Nightmarishly Dangerous Indifference toward The people that abuse the system and the victims of those people.