My 15 year old daughter summed up the movie perfectly, when, at the climax, she got up and walked out, saying, 'I can't take this anymore. Just kill the kid already. I don't care.'
I don't mind 'highly improbable' scenes like in James Bond, where 10,000 bullets are flying his way and he dodges every one of them. Its possible for that to happen. Not likely, but statistically possible. I can suspend disbelief and really enjoy watching the thing.
This movie however started out with two souped up *cars* dragging what looks like a 10 ton vault out of its concrete enclosure. Sorry, 4 tons of cars is barely going to budge a vault like that free-standing, much less break it away from reinforced concrete. Not ever. There's also the women that can throw a dozen trained male fighters across the room. Sorry, no.
Then there's the 'special' effects. I just googled the budget for this disaster of a movie. $340 MILLION DOLLARS. They sure didn't spend it on good special effects. My Nintendo 64 had better explosions than this thing did.