Anyone who tells you Jodie isn't good is not a true fan of the show.
Jodie's Doctor and Chibnall's writing are the closest New Who has been to Old Who. They'll tell you they 'were alright with a female Doctor but hate Jodie' but they're all the same breed of degenerates. Doctor Who was supposed to be a show that explored Sci-Fi as well as teach the kids lessons from history.
Episode 1 was quite good. It was still one of the best openers for a new doctor, though it's hard to beat Smith's 'Basically, Run.' Tim Shaw was an amazing and actually horrifying antagonist.
Episode 2 was better, exploring friendship through a classic desolated alien terrain.
Episode 3 (Rosa), though. Dear God. By far one of the best Who episodes yet. Did what it was supposed to do. Sci-Fi+History. And in the end, Rosa was the same. Not an alien, or a scientific anomaly. She was Rosa Parks, the heroine of her own story. The antagonist's story line could have been developed further, but he still served his purpose. After all, racism is still a predicament after almost 60 years since Rosa's and King's struggle.
Murray Gold is missed, though Akinola is doing a pretty good job, considering Gold was a tough act to follow
So, in conclusion, if you want 'Doctor Who', season 13 is the closest you'll get.