I've watched ktla, for over 40 years. Never thought I would see the day that I would have to leave them. Born and raised in Los Angeles which is also the the city of KTLA's beginning. Any true born and raised Angeleno will tell you how KTLA has help to make Los Angeles what it is today. We have always depended on their news and more so, the weather. I am one like most, watches today's news weather before leaving home. Lately, this station which was created in Los Angeles for Los Angeles (KTLA) has been neglecting where and how they got started. Leaving out the 7 day forecast for Los Angeles more than they do for the cities adjoining Los Angeles, such as OC, San Gabriel, the Valley, Inland Empire etc. Sometimes Ktla combines LA' s forecast with Orange Counties, which has no comparison when it comes to temperatures. Each day, before leaving home with a schedule, like most do, I find myself turning to another network just to get the weather for Los Angeles because KTLA didn't show it. In other words a waste of time to watch Los Angeles once favorite news channel. LA's seven day forecast should supercede all other surrounding cities. "KTLA......Los Angeles still exist", or drop the "LA" from " KTLA".
To those who have not notice....watch and see for yourselves.