I am almost speechless as to how bad it is...almost.
First it seems we got twice as much Beetlejuice in the title and about half the amount in the course of the movie.
In watching this I am reminded how severely over the top Hollywood can go in sequel-itis. Mind you this is in total understanding of the fantastical world this delves into, so...lighten up. Suspend disbelief. Have fun. Um...no. Stupid, over wrought, completely devoid of heart and charm...can't overlook.
When a movie hits gold with a particular scene. Best to leave it alone. Find another original good time to bring to the world. Enter MacArthur Park. Clearly, clearly it was brought in to out do the original Day O. Big big miss.
The Beetlejuice baby entered into the WTF realm sooooo mindlessly and mouth agape at what was being portrayed that the creators (Tim Burton....WHY?) decided to double down? Really? Wow. Just wow.