Back 4 Blood Review
I will not be comparing this to the Left 4 Dead franchise. As of this date I have played through Act 1 of the campaign on Recruit difficulty at least three times. I have also helped many other players on many other levels in online multiplayer lobbies. I have not touched the other Acts in the campaign although I plan to play through them as well. I have not played on the harder difficulties or played in the different game mode where the player Cleaners fight the player Ridden.
. The game is on Gamepass in the Microsoft store on Xbox
. The game has nice graphics and looks nice
. There are 8 unique characters to choose from without DLC with different passive statistic bonuses and weapon loadouts suited to them. This gives the player a lot of choice for what character they want and how they want to play the game.
. The game is fun
. The game supports cross platform multiplayer
. The game is okay to play solo and with friends but does reward multiplayers more than solo players
. There is plenty of weapon choice and weapon customisation
. Good in-game system for player progression in their builds
. Level/map design is good I think and changes in each run although I’m not sure how different they can be
. The game has good replayability
. The game isn’t a pay-to-win or a pay-to-progress or a (*cough* Halo Infinite) pay-to-customise
. The enemy Ridden art style isn’t to my liking.
. Many of the weapons skins aren’t to my liking
. The story isn’t appealing to me
. Cutscenes can have problems working properly. Sometimes objects or characters have trouble rendering or even loading in. For example the car the cleaner team use in a cutscene to drive to the next location will be invisible and the surrounding environment will not render in properly.
. Scoreboard is lacking stats and will not show you a comprehensive list of other players stats compared to your own.
. Lack of weapon skins or complete sets of weapon skins
. Animations in the game for your character, the enemies or your gun can be glitchy. It happens more on the older xbox generation like mine.
. You can’t customise your weapon attachments once you leave the safe room unless you find attachments by themselves on the ground or in loot containers.
. You can’t vote to kick a player for grieving other players or being AFK.
. Some weapon skins cost too many in-game points to earn when they are obviously a low quality and unpleasant looking weapon skin.