This was an incredible movie--eye opening and scary to be honest! It's heart-wrenching to see this happening in our country of freedom and equality. What I couldn't help but feel is the fact that the founders of this religious cult ran from Nazi Germany and created the very same culture that they feared and were feeling oppressed by. They are controlling. They are fearful of anything "outside the norm". They demean and demoralize anyone with outside thinking or questions. They ostracize those who leave or want to leave. They manipulate, punish, and instill consequence on people who differ. Is that not what Hitler did in the beginning? Did he not lead with fear under the pretenses of religion? Yes--and he filled the minds of followers with propoganda trying to force a mindset and a culture upon the people. He made promises of wealth and fortitude for those who followed. He built an enterprise for advancement--exact words that the elders used. And--they have done this on American soil people. We are funding them as they have found ways to capitalize on meeting the "American Need" such as check cashing. WHAT? Let's steal (through the transaction fees) from the people so that their "enterprise can be funded"? Time to wake up America.