Just because I'm putting 3 stars doesn't mean I'm hating this short. I like it, I think its charming and fun. At the same time, I dislike how dumb the moves are. I know I know, "He is just pretending to play an exciting game by himself, let him be." Don't get me wrong, I like the short's charm. It's just that the moves peeve me. You don't need to be this excited over a simple trade (in simple terms meaning I take your piece and then you take mine). And I also dislike the notion that chess is fading and being replaced with other things like video games and tv shows. I'm writing this in 2021, pogchamps 3 is about to start, and more and more popular streamers are learning chess. Chess is growing. Despite this, I still like the short and it's adorable. It's just that I don't like the overexcitment of the moves when in reality they are boring moves with no flare and I don't like the portrayal of chess as a dying game.