Awful read. Reads like the thoughts of a belligerent drunk trying to remember what happened the previous night but because of his frequent blackouts throughout the night he cannot quite peace together what exactly happened-the reader is subjected to 276 pages of this hungover account of the night before. There are many books out there that deserve to be found read loved and understood this is not one of them - if you've already purchased the book I have some suggestions as to what other uses it my have- it can be used to make fire to keep you warm while you snuggle up to another book , it can also be used to swat flies or mosquitoes or you could simply use it to press on while you write that book you've always said you are going to write. I don't know why the book is still in circulation I don't understand why trees have to continue to die for the reprinting of this book. There. I feel better now. I've been deeply affected by this awful piece of literature and I just had to get it of my chest. I will be actively seeking ways to erase this book from my memory.