Seriously. Uncle Granpa is The Worst Show ever.
1.) It's Simply To Weird- Uncle Grandpa Is So weird In every episode trying to help The Kids By Using bad Humor and Bad Solutions. The characters Desigs are simply way too off And The Story Plot is not that Interesting to most Viewers.
2.) The Award's- during the Uncle granpa Awards. Uncle Granpa Has Said Questions to All The Most favorite Cartoon Network Characters Including Steven Universe, Adventure time, Samurai Jack, Clarence, Etc and etc. During the Awards Uncle granpa ask Questions Like "Who is The best Series In Cartoon Network History Of Fantasy and Stories" and "The best of the best" But guees what during the Awards uncle Granpa Claimed All the Awards Its Like he was cheating. So It was Unfair For Uncle granpa To just steal All the Awards. He Win every Award annoying And pathetic.
3.)The stories are so Twisted.- i cant tell you for sure But some of the Characters Of This show is so Ugly And Disturbing also Gross Which Is often overlooked With many People. The stories Can sometimes be Horrible And Feels like That Its an Overripe Lemon Or Orange that Rotting on the sidewalk.
I cannot say too much but The Main
Character's that i found Are so annoying.
Pizza Steve- this Pizza Guy Always thinks Hes so cool And Awesome at everything that he Even Has Fans of pizza Steve, But Huees what I describe Pizza steve As Manipulative,Narcissistic,Selfish,Liar, Etc He always scream In Fear like a Pig In Every Tense situation I cant believe How theres so many Fans About him even though Hes Such an Annoying Brat. HE Always Lies Every Episode.
Uncle Granpa- Uncle granpa the Kids Of Problem solver Of the world. WOW i Cant Believe He Always use weird Techniques That not Only Make The Kid on harms eay But also Ruins Normallcy take a Look at Aunt Grandma She always solve things The Easy and Best Way even though she Is a Villain. Unlike Uncle grandpa Doing weird Solutions.
Theres So many More i can explain of how bad this show Is. BECAUSE This show Contains Bad Humor,Bad Jokes, Sexual Intenetions, Violent Tendencies Among its Characters ( Remember the Box Episode), Weird Solutions(Often the children Are Ina weird way now),Characters are often Disgusting and weird looking such as In the Halloween Episode of the teens and Children its a disgrace To The cartoon Network I Describe This show As Bad,Rotting,Cartoon in history Becuase its story lines are always The same Way and EndWeird in weird Ways.
All The Characters Are stupid,Gross,Disturbing,Weird,Monstrositie,And Frikin Look Like it Is so Weird. Examples Like the Halloween Episodes which We saw the 3 Teens so Ugly and Pathetic in the Episode i Dont like it and i Still dont Forget it The Show is DISGUSTING AND HORRIBLE!! IT SHOULD HAVE MEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!
The Show itself represents A Weird cult That is Uncle Granpa and Tries To Help Children Around the World WITH A VAN!!
What the heck is this? Is this Even about For Children Or not?