Brilliant masterpiece!!. It is certainly not pleasant to play (storywise) and it probably makes most decent people spil a tear or two or even cry, but so was the first game. This game truly captures the essence of the Last of Us and even adds more depth and significance to the events in the first game. The environment in general and especially the facial expressions in the game are one of the best I have ever seen in a game. The story is a mixture of dark and brutal moments and sweet/funny and nostalgic flashbacks to the past. Last but not least if there is one major thing this game accomplishes apart from telling a great story then that would be the fact that it manages to humanize everybody in the game while showing that there is no pure evil and good, no white and black but only grey. Everybody is different, far from perfect and makes mistakes, some people more than others, but everybody loves someone, has a family and is human. That is a strong message in my opinion and just one of the many reasons why the negative user reviews are bizarre and sad. constructive criticism is always fine and the game is although brilliant, certainly not perfect but most of the negative reviews I read seem to be written by people who either haven’t played the game or are somewhat homophobic.