Everything in BDO is crafted strategically to aim you in the direction of the Cash Shop (Pearl Shop). Your gear advancement is dependant on an RNG system in which you essentially gamble with very low odds in attempting to "leveling up" your gear. In this process two other negative elements come into play. If you fail an attempt at leveling your gear it can actually degrade setting you back a level that you had already worked hard on leveling up to begin with. The second being, upon failing an attempt at leveling up your gear it will lose durability, essentially making you take more frequent trips to repair your gear while actually playing. The cash shop is filled with all kinds of options for sale and all you have to do is swipe your credit card to IMPROVE the aforementioned. And that's a HARD improve because the solutions don't negate any of the details I mentioned before but rather aid you through it. Lastly, the only way around the failing mechanism that degrades your gear is to buy Cosmetic Outfits that cost $30 USD and "melt" them in game to obtain a material called Cron Stones of which will prevent your gear from deleveling upon a failed attempt - though your gear will still lose durability AND you will need to pay $30 for each attempt as the Cron Stones will be consumed upon every attempt.
This is game is gorgeous which is why it gets 2 stars from me along with great combat mechanics, combos and classes. There is alot to be said regarding BDO's Pay To Win features. White knights will tell it is not PAY 2 WIN as the cash shop features items that only "aid" you in game. Well, this game is PVP based and that is it's endgame and if you want to be able to paticipate without getting oblitherated in it then you will whether you like or not need to spend $$$$$$. We're not talking 100s of dollars but rather thousands.
You may say, "Well, I won't PVP and be an explorer and just quest". Firstly, the quests are horrible and so is the lore - when understandable. Also, you can't just NOT PVP as it is forced. For example, one of the activities you take part alot is "grinding" mobs over and over to level up and if a geared player is in your area grinding as well and finds it suiting to kick you out he/she will "PK" aka kill you. You can fight back ofc but most times the ppl attacking are doing so because they are veterans and have swiped their credit cards enough to be leagues ahead of you in terms of gear....so you will lose and you will leave. Grinding is how you level in game and is a source of income as well and not partaking in it is like not playing 60% of the game in itself.
I hope this review was helpful so that you won't get hustled by Pearl Abyss and Kakao Games.