Personally I didn't really like the movie all that much and had a lot of flaws in it and I think the movie could have done better (Even if it is just a ripoff of Ever After Hight but it's Disney if they put a lot of money in it, it's sure to be a success) but I will admit I really enjoyed the songs featured in the film some more than other but still were enjoyable I had hoped they would show more of the original villans and how they be as parents but that didn't happen and that was disappointing.
And can I just mention how Mal never apologized for everything she had done (Steal another girl's boyfriend by putting/forced a spell on him and didn't do it for love (at first), she and her friends tried to rob a museum, used magic to manipulate the people of Auradon example: Jane used magic to gain trust so she can Mal steal the magic wand shall I go on) with no punishment what so ever but enough about Mal.
Was the movie Was it entertaining...yes. Did it reach my Was the music good...yes.
Overall the movie isn't that bad could use some work though I just wished the character development wasn't rushed and the VK Kids parents had more screen time. It was just (for me) okay.